Very busy with my book

After the coming out of the English version of my book I have been very busy to look for the addresses of the three women who have meant so very much to me after me having read their books. I like to mention their names: Rosemary Radford Ruether (Sexism and God-Talk), Mary Daly (Beyond God the Father) and Elisabeth Schüssler Foirenza (In Memory of Her).Thanks to the help of very nice Dutch women it was possible for me to send most of them a copy of my book. On October 10, in our newspaper was a very good article of my book written by Joost Reijnders, journalist. He mentioned the fact that I have sent a copy of ‘My Heaven on Earth’ to the Oxford University. An Experimental Psychologist is going to study the phenomenon of people having been raised as real believers, like me, change into disbelievers, like me. I am curious to hear something about it.

2 Responses to “Very busy with my book”

  • Dirk:

    Hoi ma,

    Daar is iets niet helemaal goed gegaan. Je hebt volgens mij de tekst van het bericht in het vak van de titel geplaatst. De bericht tekst moet je invullen in het tekstvak onder de titels NL en EN in het CMS. Succes. Als het niet lukt dan hoor ik het wel.


  • Miek:

    Ik heb het in orde gemaakt.

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